Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Book: The Prey by Allison Brennan

I recommend reading this mystery book by Allison Brennan. It was my first mystery read by this author, and I enjoyed the plot and twists of this mystery. Setting: California/Texas: Characters: Rowan Smith, former FBI agent and now mystery writer, John: former Delta force officer who is assigned to protect her while she is being stalked and taunted by someone who is knows of her past history. Not only is the murderer taunting her, but he is using information from her fiction crime books and murders several victims. It is a race against time with Rowan and John reviewing all her former FBI cases and finally her own past to figure out who is behind these heinous crimes. Definitely a summer read for those who enjoy mysteries. I will definitely read more books by this mystery author.

Grade: A

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